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Suggestions during Covid 19 closure

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We know this is a stressful time for many, with concerns for our health and safety and the uncertainty of when our lives may return to normal. I am adding this information to my website in an effort to help parents who would like to continue giving students exposure to the French language.


As you are aware, our approach in Kindergarten is play-based. Much of our French content is taught through routines, games, songs and group activities. I encourage you to explore this site for songs, games and videos that will help your child to continue their French development. Beyond the online activities on my site, I also suggest that you play various games that you may have at home, that promote cooperation, turn taking, winning and losing. 

The following is a general outline of what we have been/would be covering in class during our spring term. 

In Math, we have been focusing on identifying, representing and counting sets for numbers to ten. Students have done lots of work on using a ten frame and representing numbers using two colours. Dice are another tool you could use to have your child describe the combining of two numbers to make another number. 


5 et 2 font 7

5 and 2 make 7      


We have been practicing counting forwards and backwards to 10. We have also compared sets as more, fewer or same as (pictorially). We have done measurement using non-standard units, such as blocks to compare mass, length, height.

Our patterning activities have involved using two or three different elements (shapes, colours, objects) in identifying, reproducing, extending and creating patterns. (Ex. Pink, blue, green, pink, blue, green)  

Look for patterns in the environment and have your child identify, extend and create patterns in some of their play items, clothing, etc. 

We have recently begun learning about 3D shapes (solids) and have been looking at objects in our environment that can be classified as each solid. 

Ex. A ball is a sphere, a die is a cube, a tissue or cereal box is a rectangular prism. We are not so concerned with students being able to name the solid, but that they can recognize the similarities among objects. We would be having the students make solids with items such as straws, toothpicks, marshmallows, play dough. 

A meaningful activity for these concepts could be sorting items in your cupboards or pantry or even sorting their toys. 

In Language Arts, our focus is on developing knowledge of the French language through guided reading, guided writing, chants, songs, games and group discussions. While we know this will not be possible in the home setting, there are many ways you can continue to help your child refine their knowledge of French. Vocabulary can be further developed/reinforced by listening to songs online and they should be able to transfer some of this knowledge to their response to literature. We encourage students to engage in free journal writing at home, using familiar structures already taught and new vocabulary. Some examples of these structures would be 

  • J’aime (I like)

  • Je vois (I see)

  • C’est (It is)

  • Voici (Here is)

Reading and discussing books in English will help develop reading skills for both languages. Retelling, predicting, describing characters, how they feel, why they are feeling that way, and relating this to their own lives (making connections with what they are reading) are a heavy focus in Kindergarten. We also have a strong focus on sharing experiences, asking questions to seek more information and asking/responding to questions.

Our curriculum is done thematically and the topics we would be covering over the next several weeks would be:

  • Healthy eating 

  • The 5 senses 

  • Springtime- weather/nature changes; changes in activity of people and animals; dressing for weather

  • Communities-our neighbourhood buildings and services and the people who work there; describe some natural and constructed features of our community

Later in the spring, we would be talking about:

  • Life cycles (butterflies, frogs, chickens)

  • Insects and spiders (differences and similarities among them)

  • Seeds and the conditions necessary for plant growth (life cycle of a plant)

  • Acknowledge and celebrate individual differences and the fact that we belong to various groups (families, classes, Sparks, Beavers, sports teams, churches)

I hope this helps during the next few weeks. Please remember that we are exploring these topics mainly through hands-on activities and play. Do not get too caught up with having your child do a lot of pencil and paper work. 

I will continue to add activities, videos, songs, etc as I find them, so check the thematic page of my site for new additions. 

Good luck and have fun!



Primary French Immersion- Growing list of websites you can consult for French literature and games 

This is CBC for Kids in French, basically. There are TONS of  videos and shows that your child can watch to remain familiar with and exposed to the language. 

Hear and read along with French books.             Username: ccl2

                                                                   Password: bravo

Free French books and activities 

French educational site

French educational site 

Free French stories read aloud. 

Scholastic is offering FREE resources to families to assist with learning at home during this crisis. 

A list of educational sites for families. 

This is a primary Music teacher’s site . Her site if FULL of wonderful music, activities and ideas. 

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